Benefits of Membership
Your membership funds are part of the resources we draw upon to ensure a good business environment for all dispensing professionals. Each year the MHS Board and Staff review the legislation in progress, determining what will affect either our ability to practice or the methods by which we practice. Often this can be done behind the scenes, but sometimes it requires greater effort. Being able to boast a significant membership carries weight when talking with elected officials. Your membership DOES make a difference!
Proudly displaying your MHS membership certificate helps build confidence and credibility with your patients. They know you adhere to an agreed upon standard of professional behavior by participating in a statewide association. Consumers can and do contact the MHS office in Jefferson City, seeking for referrals to dispensing professionals.
You can count on a yearly exemplary educational program. MHS has one of the strongest and most current offerings in the nation. Attend the annual conference, and you’ll garner all the CEUs necessary for your annual requirement at a member discount. You will meet a wide variety of vendors to discuss how to strengthen your practice offerings and equipment. It’s an efficient use of your time away from the office.
The MHS Newsletter is packed with vital information on developing issues as well as tried-and-true topics. Industry leaders support the MHS Newsletter by providing tailored articles and advertising. As a member you may also place a FREE classified ad.
Our website is loaded with information links for both professionals like yourself and consumers like those you see in your office. You can research past newsletters, find a pertinent phone number for licensing questions, refer a patient to a link for more data on how ears and hearing function, and more. It is wonderfully representative of the Society and the professions, presenting a united image of all dispensing professionals as part of a team concerned for the hearing well-being of the individuals we service.